At Agora Andorra International School our goal is to ensure that all our students learn and progress in the way that is most suitable for them. Students are encouraged to participate actively in class, to develop critical and analytical thinking skills, to experiment, to take risks with their learning and to work hard. There are many opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively with their classmates and they learn how to appreciate and respect the effort and achievement of those around them. Teachers show students how to take responsibility for their own learning and progress, a skill that is essential for living successfully in the world outside the school gates.
Motivation and Challenge
Students learn best when they feel inspired and motivated, and when the work that they are asked to do presents a challenge that is appropriate to their level. Teachers at Agora Andorra International School present their pupils with creative, practical and interactive learning experiences, which are designed to engage and motivate students and to stimulate a desire to learn more. In Science we work on observational and analytical skills; around the school students begin to connect with their environment and are encouraged to develop a sense of environmental responsibility and a respect for nature; through cultural, creative and sporting activities students are exposed to a wide range of historical, artistic and physical learning opportunities.
Personalised teaching methods
Our teachers act as mentors for their students in order to bring out the best in each individual, using effective teaching strategies and high-quality resources. Teaching methods include project work, individual tutoring, research-based tasks, critical thinking and problem solving; students are guided and supported by their teachers throughout the learning process and have access to the latest innovative technology.
Collaborative learning
Learning collaboratively involves working as part of a team to achieve a shared goal. Social interaction and communication skills form an integral and essential part of the process, and pupils begin to develop characteristics such as cooperation, empathy and understanding of how to work effectively with others.
Critical Thinking Skills
At Agora Andorra International School, we aim to help our students learn to think critically, logically and analytically. We believe that the key to developing good critical thinking skills is by starting the process whilst children are still very young, so we ask even our youngest students to engage in tasks that involve the ability to think logically and solve problems. The ability to think clearly and rationally allows our students to conduct effective investigations, analyse, create, make thoughtful decisions and clear judgments, not only in the classroom, but also in other areas of their lives.
Evaluation and feedback
At Agora Andorra International School, student assessment is an ongoing process, and we believe that effective evaluation is fundamental to effective teaching and learning. Teachers evaluate their pupils using a wide range of techniques including scheduled assignments, formal assessments, classroom observation, questions, discussions and encouraging students to assemble portfolios of their best work. Regular dialogue helps teachers to identify each student’s specific learning needs and to find the right strategies to help each individual to keep moving forwards along their path to academic success.