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SAT Tests Official Examination Center

Agora Andorra International School offers specific training to prepare for the SAT tests for university admission in the United States through the Blyth Academic online.

Agora Andorra also has official authorisation as an examining centre for these tests, for students from ASCIS and for students from other schools. Fill in the form and get all the information about the SAT tests in ASCIS, with an exclusive discount for Blyth Academy Online Training, part of the largest group of private schools in Canada and a member of the Globeducate group.

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SAT Tests

The SAT is an admission test accepted by the universities of the United States to assess the preparation of students for the university world. It builds on the work students are already doing in class and is owned by the College Board, a private, non-profit organization. The exam builds on the skills and competencies students have acquired in high schools and focuses on the knowledge they will use in college and in the real world.

The SAT exam is essential for all students who wish to pursue university studies in the USA. It is a requirement to get a sports or academic scholarship. The exam is done in person and consists of several sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Mathematics and, finally, an optional essay. Most universities accept the best combined grade for each of the sections, even obtained in different calls, so it is advisable to sit several times until you achieve the desired grade.

Specific online training

Agora Andorra International School offers specific SAT preparation training through the Blyth Academy, Canada’s prestigious online school. The Blyth Academy SAT Preparation Course provides students with the practice, tools, and confidence to successfully pass the tests. The course covers the critical Reading, Writing and Mathematics sections of the SAT, with different thematic units, practical exams and questions like the ones that can be found on the actual exam.

Official examination centre

Agora Andorra International School is one of the official testing centres for SAT tests worldwide. The exam is face-to-face, open to students from any school, and registration in the test allows the results to be sent to four American universities or institutions for free. Students can attend any of the annual calls and combine the best marks from the different sections until they obtain a grade according to their objectives.

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